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A Customer is the entity which billing of the streaming service platform is tied to.

Business Unit

Our OTT solution caters for a parent-child relationship. Parent: Customer, child: Business Unit.

This caters for multiple business units to a customer, where for example assets are ingested only once for the customer, but can be used in one or several business units.

This is a cost-effective way to ingest, transcode and maintain assets, channels and live events.
During asset ingest Customer or Business Unit has to be selected.

Customer Portal

This is the name of our administrative web interface, used to control all aspects of the service provided.

EMP Management API

For make changes to the offered service through systematic access, the EMP Management API should be used.


The Administrator refers to an administrative user of Customer Portal, which can have access to one or more Customer and Business Unit.

End User

An End User is the consumer and user of your streaming service, and the individual that is charged for using it.
It is created either by the user signing up by, or by an Administrator that sends out an invitation by email.



The Asset is the entity that represent the value and the content of your service.

There are four types defined:

  • MOVIE: Content that can be watched on demand and has a fixed length.
    For example a TV series episode, a movie, or the recording of a live event.
  • LIVE EVENT: An event that is taking place a specific time.
    For example a soccer game, a press conference or a music concert.
  • CHANNEL: A traditional broadcast TV channel that can be watched online.
    The content is not necessary live but the users are watching what is currently being broadcasted at a specific time.
  • VIRTUAL CHANNEL: A virtual channel created from pre-transcoded VOD files.

A Carousel is a collection of Assets curated manually by an editor or automatically by the system.

Hero Banner

The Hero Banner is the first visual element of your streaming service and this is the place where you can place call-to-actions, engaging high resolution images or videos to emphasize your content and brand.


Product Offering

A Product Offering represents what is being offered to the End User to gain access to content, and can be configured either as a monthly subscription cost or a one-time fee.
It specifies things such as price, currency, if VAT are applied or not.
The End User gets access to the product offering either by buying it, having it added by and Administrator through the Customer Portal, or by an external system through the EMP Management API.


Allows control of certain aspects of how an End User are allowed to access Asset which are tied to the Product.
For example, if the Asset require the End User to login or not in order to watch it.


GB / TB / PB

The International System of Units (SI Units) is used to measure bandwidth and storage. In our calculations, 1 gigabyte (GB) = 10^9 (1,000,000,000) bytes, 1 terabyte (TB) = 10^12 bytes (or 1,000 GB), and 1 petabyte (PB) = 10^15 bytes (or 1,000 TB).