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Create & Manage Assets Collections

Create an Asset Collection

To create an asset collection log in to the portal and:

  1. Navigate to CMS -> ASSETS in using the menu
  2. Click the CREATE button on the "CREATE TELEVISION ASSET" widget
  3. Select the type Collection, press NEXT, add a descriptive NAME, press next and then submit
  4. When the creation is complete, click the link to edit the collection
  5. Add the desired metadata for the collection as with any asset
  6. In the last section of the details page "ASSETS" you can add other assets to this collection
  7. Open "ASSETS" and click new
  8. Select the type you wish to search for and find an assets that you want to add to the collection
  9. Select the order of the asset in the collection, for example select 2 if this is the second movie in a movie franchise
  10. Save and repeat for all assets you which to add

Customer Portal Collection Example

Manage collections of an asset

An asset can belong to multiple collections. In the Asset details page there is a "COLLECTIONS" section which lists all the collections an asset belongs to. From there you can also add the asset to a new collection or remove it from one it already belongs to.