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Controlling EnigmaPlayer programmatically

There are two main ways one usually interacts with a video player. One is by starting up a stream (which in our case is done using IEnigmaPlayer#play(IPlayRequest)). The other way is by controlling the playback of an already started/loaded stream by sending 'control requests' such as 'start','pause', 'seekTo', etc. This tutorial covers the latter.

Methods for controlling the playback of a stream are found in the IEnigmaPlayerControls interface. To access these methods use IEnigmaPlayer#getControls().

IEnigmaPlayerControls controls = enigmaPlayer.getControls();

They all come in two flavours,

public interface IEnigmaPlayerControls {
    void [name_of_command](...arguments...);
    void [name_of_command](...arguments..., IControlResultHandler resultHandler);
and should all be called from the main thread.


pauseButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(View v) {


Since it is not certain when or if the the underlying player implementation will execute the requested command, they are all modelled as requests that can use result handlers.

An implementation of IControlResultHandler can be added to control requests if extra callbacks are necessary.

public interface IControlResultHandler {
    void onRejected(IRejectReason reason);
    void onCancelled();
    void onError(Error error);
    void onDone();
Exactly one of these methods will be called depending on the fate of the request.

  • onRejected(IRejectReason reason) is called if the request was considered invalid by some part of the framework.
  • onCancelled() is called if the request was valid and queued for execution but cancelled before or during it was processed.
  • onError(Error error) is called if something went wrong while processing the request.
  • onDone() is called when the request has been successfully processed. This signals that command was carried out.

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