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Migration guide (Android SDK 2.0 -> Enigma River Android SDK)

Changes to asset metadata retrieval


The old SDK provided methods for fetching asset metadata from exposure by calling

EMPMetadataProvider.getInstance().getAssets("/content/asset?fieldSet=ALL&&includeUserData=true&pageNumber=1&sort=originalTitle&pageSize=100&onlyPublished=true&assetType=CLIP", new IMetadataCallback<ArrayList<EmpAsset>>() {
    public void onMetadata(ArrayList<EmpAsset> metadata) {
        // Do things with the assets, for instance show them in an view via an adapter

    public void onError(ExposureError error) {
        // Handle error


The core module of the new SDK does not (yet) contain a model for assets. There is however an optional module called EnigmaRiverAndroidExposureUtils that handles the conversion of the exposure backend Json objects to native java object. To use this module, app developers need to add it as a dependency in their gradle build file:

implementation "com.github.EricssonBroadcastServices.EnigmaRiverAndroid:exposureUtils:__REPLACE_WITH_RELEASE_VERSION__"
Performing the same call as in the example from the old SDK above is done by
    EnigmaExposure exposure = new EnigmaExposure(session); // Or 'new EnigmaExposure(businessUnit)'
                                                           // if no authentication is required for the endpoint.
    IExposureResultHandler<ApiAssetList> resultHandler = new BaseExposureResultHandler<ApiAssetList>() {
        public void onSuccess(ApiAssetList result) {
            List<ApiAsset> assets = result.getItems(); //ApiAsset corresponds to the earlier EmpAsset
            // Handle result

        public void onError(EnigmaError error) {
            // Handle error
    GetAllAssetsRequest request = new GetAllAssetsRequest(resultHandler)


Table of Contents
Structural changes
Changes to SDK initialization
Changes to authentication/login
• Changes to asset metadata retrieval (current)
Changes to playback
Further reading