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Timeline API

The timeline API is used for implementing/integrating a custom timeline UI element. It can be accessed using IEnigmaPlayer#getTimeline.


Let's take a look at the ITimeline interface.

public interface ITimeline {
    void addListener(ITimelineListener listener);
    void addListener(ITimelineListener listener, Handler handler);
    void removeListener(ITimelineListener listener);
    ITimelinePosition getCurrentPosition();
    ITimelinePosition getCurrentStartBound();
    ITimelinePosition getCurrentEndBound();
    boolean getVisibility();

The interface provides 4 properties: * currentPosition - A ITimelinePosition representing the current playback position in the stream. * currentStartBound - A ITimelinePosition representing the earliest position of the current stream. * CurrentEndBound - A ITimelinePosition representing the latest position of the current stream. * visibility - A boolean used to indicate when a timeline UI element should be active or not.

For each of these, ITimeline provides a getter as well as an associated change-event that can be listened to by extending BaseTimelineListener:

IEnigmaPlayer player = ...;
ITimeline timeline = player.getTimeline();
timeline.addListener(new BaseTimelineListener() {
    public void onCurrentPositionChanged(ITimelinePosition timelinePosition) {
        //Current position changed

    public void onBoundsChanged(ITimelinePosition start, ITimelinePosition end) {
        //Timeline bounds changed

    public void onVisibilityChanged(boolean visible) {
        //Recommended visibility value changed

    public void onDashMetadata(Metadata metadata){
        // handle Dash metadata event

    public void onHlsMetadata(metadata: HlsMediaPlaylist?) {
        // handle Hls metadata event


A ITimelinePosition represents a position on the timeline.

public interface ITimelinePosition {
    ITimelinePosition add(Duration duration);
    ITimelinePosition subtract(Duration duration);
    Duration subtract(ITimelinePosition other);
We can add and subtract Durations from a ITimelinePosition to get a new one. We can also subtract one ITimelinePosition from another one to get the duration between them. It is also possible to use ITimelinePositions for seeking with the IEnigmaPlayerControls.
public interface IEnigmaPlayerControls {
    void seekTo(ITimelinePosition timelinePos);
    void seekTo(ITimelinePosition timelinePos, IControlResultHandler resultHandler);

Example - Seeking to the middle of the timeline

public void seekToMiddle(IEnigmaPlayer player) {
    ITimeline timeline = player.getTimeline();

    if(timeline.getVisibility()) {
        ITimelinePosition start = timeline.getCurrentStartBound();
        ITimelinePosition end = timeline.getCurrentEndBound();

        if(start != null && end != null) {
            Duration timelineLength = end.subtract(start);
            Duration halfTimelineLength = timelineLength.multiply(0.5f);
            ITimelinePosition middleOfTimeline = start.add(halfTimelineLength);


Example - Seeking 25 seconds into the stream

public void seekToExample(IEnigmaPlayer player) {
    ITimeline timeline = player.getTimeline();

    if(timeline.getVisibility()) {
        ITimelinePosition start = timeline.getCurrentStartBound();

        if(start != null) {
            ITimelinePosition examplePos = start.add(Duration.seconds(25));


Metadata eventStreams listener

To get EventStream events listen to Timeline listener

IEnigmaPlayer player = ...;
ITimeline timeline = player.getTimeline();
timeline.addListener(new BaseTimelineListener() {

    public void onDashMetadata(Metadata metadata){
        // handle meta data event
        for (i in 0 until metadata!!.length()) {
            val entry = metadata[i]
            println(String((entry as EventMessage).messageData))
            println((metadata[0] as EventMessage).schemeIdUri)

    public void onHlsMetadata(metadata: HlsMediaPlaylist?) {
        for (tag in metadata!!.tags) {
            if (tag.lowercase(Locale.ROOT).contains("X-COM-DAICONNECT-TRACK".toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT))) {
                // We only interested in DAICONNECT-TRACK
                val base64 =
                var encodedString: String? = String(Base64.getDecoder().decode(base64))


To get a String representation of a ITimelinePosition we need to specify a TimelinePositionFormat. A TimelinePositionFormat is simply a combination of a java.text.DateFormat and a IDurationFormat.

public interface ITimelinePosition {
    String toString(TimelinePositionFormat timelinePositionFormat);

If the asset is a live stream (and has defined a start time), the java.text.DateFormat provided will be used to format a Date to a String. Otherwise the IDurationFormat will be used to convert a Duration to a String.

private TimelinePositionFormat timelinePositionFormat =
    TimelinePositionFormat.newFormat("${minutes}m${sec}s", new SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm a"));
    public String getCurrentPositionAsString(ITimeline timeline) {
        ITimelinePosition current = timeline.getCurrentPosition();
        if(current != null) {
            return current.toString(timelinePositionFormat);
        } else {
            return null;


Helper functions for timeline position with ads

public interface IAdIncludedTimeline extends ITimeline, ITimelineListener {

    /** Returns the duration of all completed ads prior to current position. */
    Duration getPastAdDuration();

    /** Returns the current ad break (or null if not playing an ad break). The start time of the ad break is transposed.*/
    @Nullable AdBreak getCurrentAdBreak();

    /** If `active`, the timeline will take ad information into account. */
    void setIsActive(boolean isActive);

    /** Returns true if `setIsActive` has been invoked and if ads has been detected. */
    boolean isActive();

    /** Returns the transposed ad breaks for this timeline as points in the timeline. */
    @Nullable List<ITimelinePosition> getAdBreaksPositions();

    /** Returns the ad breaks for this timeline  */
    @Nullable List<AdBreak> getAdBreaks();

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