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Ad Insertion

This tutorial describes how to facilitate and configure server-side ad insertion (SSAI) during playback.

SSAI enabled streams allow the server to continuously provide the SDK with information about the playback of ads in a stream, allowing the SDK to report back the playback status of the ads.

Play controls should also be affected by the appearance of an ad. Scrubbing for example, should not be allowed during the playback of an ad.


Set up additional SSAI playback parameter

In order to facilitate the SSAI logic, additional parameters are required during playback. These parameters are provided to the SDK through configuration of the EnigmaRiverContext.

By implementing the interface IAdInsertionFactory, the SDK consumer can provide an optional IAdInsertionParameters. The SDK calls IAdInsertionParameters#createParameters(IPlayRequest) each time a new playback is initiated.

The default IAdInsertionParameters implementation, DefaultAdInsertionParameters, is recommended to be used unless additional properties are required.

If no ad insertion parameters are required, IAdInsertionParameters#createParameters(IPlayRequest) can return null.

Please note that each parameter in IAdInsertionParameters set to null will not be sent to the server.

IAdInsertionParameters accept any custom key(s) and value(s) and append those key/value to play request. IAdInsertionParameters interface accepts Map where one can pass custom key(s)/value(s).

Example configuration

EnigmaRiverContext.EnigmaRiverContextInitialization initialization = new EnigmaRiverContext.EnigmaRiverContextInitialization(exposureBaseUrl);
initialization.setAdInsertionFactory(new IAdInsertionFactory() {

    public IAdInsertionParameters createParameters(IPlayRequest request) {

        return new DefaultAdInsertionParameters(

            // latitude: The GPS based latitudinal position of the user

            // longitutde: The GPS based longitudinal position of the user

            // mute: Indicate whether player is muted or not

            // consent: A consent string passed from various Consent Management Platforms (CMP’s)

            // deviceMake: Manufacturer of device such as Apple or Samsung

            // ifa: User device ID

            // gdprOptin: A flag for European Union traffic consenting to advertising

EnigmaRiverContext.initialize(this, initialization);


Please note that this tutorial will be a subject for change and will be extended once SSAI is fully implemented.

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