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Playback Configuration

Material Profile parameter

If application developers want to play a specific material variant, they can pass materialProfile when starting the playback. (eg. for a specific asset, the "default" material contains a full length movie, and a "TRAILER" material might contain only an extract: a virtual subclip generated using the VOD to VOD flow)

IPlayable playable = new AssetPlayable("my_asset_id");

PlaybackProperties properties = new PlaybackProperties();

// Disable analytics

// Create a play request
IPlayRequest playRequest = new PlayRequest(playable, properties, new BasePlayResultHandler() {
    // ...

// Start playback;

Disable Analytics

If the analytics reporting is irrelevant for some reason, this can be disabled by setting a configuration flag in the PlaybackProperties object.

IPlayable playable = new AssetPlayable("my_asset_id");

PlaybackProperties properties = new PlaybackProperties();

// Disable analytics

// Create a play request
IPlayRequest playRequest = new PlayRequest(playable, properties, new BasePlayResultHandler() {
    // ...

// Start playback;

Adobe Primetime Configuration

In order to include the X-Adobe-Primetime-MediaToken in the play request, one configures the playback properties, by setting an AdobePrimetime object (PlaybackProperties.setAdobePrimetime(new AdobePrimetime("A_primetime_token"))). If PlaybackProperties.setAdobePrimetime(null) is called, the Adobe Primetime token will be disabled.

If the token is invalid, the playback will fail.

IPlayable playable = new AssetPlayable("my_asset_id");

PlaybackProperties properties = new PlaybackProperties();

String myBase64EncodedToken = "Base64encodedString";

// Configure the playback using the token.
properties.setAdobePrimetime(new AdobePrimetime(myBase64EncodedToken));

// Create a play request
IPlayRequest playRequest = new PlayRequest(playable, properties, new BasePlayResultHandler() {
    // ...

// Start playback;


In order to provide the token to a Chromecast playback action, one configures the EnigmaCastPlaybackProperties.Builder by calling EnigmaCastPlaybackProperties.Builder().setAdobePrimetime(new AdobePrimetime("A_primetime_token")).

EnigmaCastPlaybackProperties.Builder properties = new EnigmaCastPlaybackProperties.Builder();

String myBase64EncodedToken = "Base64encodedString";

// Configure the playback using the token.
properties.setAdobePrimetime(new AdobePrimetime(myBase64EncodedToken));

IEnigmaCastRequest castRequest = EnigmaCastRequest.Builder("my_asset_id", my_session).setPlaybackProperties(;, new BaseEnigmaCastResultHandler() { 

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