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Custom UI controls series

Spinner and Live Indicator

In this chapter we will show you how you can integrate with Enigma Player two very simple components: a loading spinner for when the video starts, and a live indicator for live streams.


Let's keep things simple, and for the spinner element use the standard android.widget.ProgressBar.

Built-in, the progress bar has everything we need, with the standard Android configuration and style:


In order to integrate our spinner with the Enigma Player, we need to listen to player state events. You can read more about the player state here: Enigma Player State.

For example, in the playback activity:

private ProgressBar pbLoader;
IEnigmaPlayer player = new EnigmaPlayer(session, exoPlayerTech);
enigmaPlayer.addListener(new BaseEnigmaPlayerListener(){
    public void onStateChanged(EnigmaPlayerState from, EnigmaPlayerState to) {
        if (to == EnigmaPlayerState.LOADING || to == EnigmaPlayerState.BUFFERING){
        }else if (to == EnigmaPlayerState.LOADED || from == EnigmaPlayerState.BUFFERING){

Live indicator

The live indicator is a flag especially used when playing TV channels, to indicate that the stream is live, or time-shifted back.

Again to keep things simple, we will use a plain android.widget.TextView as our UI element of choice.

To integrate the indicator with our Enigma Player, we need to listen to a certain event:

playbackSessionListener = new BasePlaybackSessionListener(){
    public void onPlayingFromLiveChanged(boolean live) {
player.addListener(new BaseEnigmaPlayerListener(){
    public void onPlaybackSessionChanged(IPlaybackSession from, IPlaybackSession to) {
        if(from != null) {
        if(to != null) {
            to.addListener(playbackSessionListener, handler);
}, handler);
private void updateIsLive(boolean isLive){
    if (isLive){
        txtIsLive.setText("Not live");

And that is all!

Table of Contents
Basics: play, pause and seeking
Play/Pause Button
Custom timeline
• Spinner and Live Indicator (current)
Custom UI app