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Migration guide (Android SDK 2.0 -> Enigma River Android SDK)

Changes to authentication/login


authProvider.checkAuth(new IAuthenticationListener() {
    public void onAuthSuccess(String sessionToken) {
        // Although the sessionToken is passed, it is not really necessary to keep it in most scenarios as the library takes care of the token lifecycle

    public void onAuthError(ExposureError error) {
        // Perform login if error means user is not authenticated


EMPAuthProvider is removed and instead an instance of EnigmaLogin is used to login using the Red Bee OTT backend. EnigmaLogin is a request handler that handles implementations of ILoginRequest. The usual login request is UserLoginRequest which is takes a username, a password and a ILoginResultHandler in its constructor.

EnigmaLogin enigmaLogin = new EnigmaLogin(Constants.CUSTOMER, Constants.BUSSINESS_UNIT);
enigmaLogin.login(new UserLoginRequest(usernameString, passwordString, new ILoginResultHandler() {
    public void onSuccess(ISession session) {
        // The ISession object contains the customer and business unit associated with it as well as the
        // session token string.

    void onError(EnigmaError error) {
        // Handle error

The old SDK provided 'persistent login'. This can now be achieved by storing the session token string between app restarts and using ResumeLoginRequest.

EnigmaLogin enigmaLogin = new EnigmaLogin(Constants.CUSTOMER, Constants.BUSSINESS_UNIT);
enigmaLogin.login(new ResumeLoginRequest(storedSessionToken, new ILoginResultHandler() {
     public void onSuccess(ISession session) {
         // Session token was still valid and now wrapped in a session object

     void onError(EnigmaError error) {
        if(error instanceof CredentialsError) {
            // Token not valid any more. Prompt user to log in again.
        } else {
            // Something else went wrong

Changes to responsibilities

It is now the app developers responsibility to keep track of the Session object as well as persisting the session token between app restarts if such functionality is wanted.

Table of Contents
Structural changes
Changes to SDK initialization
• Changes to authentication/login (current)
Changes to asset metadata retrieval
Changes to playback
Further reading