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Additional topics for download and offline playback series

Working with DRM protected offline content


Currently only Widevine DRM + DASH is supported.


Downloading and playing assets with DRM protection works exactly the same as for any other asset. Key requests, storage of keys and selection of keys for playback are all handled by the Enigma River Android SDK.

DRM licence validity

You can access the DRM licence for a downloaded playable using DownloadedPlayable#getDrmLicence(). Note that this method will return null if the downloaded playable is not DRM protected. Using this object we can get the expiry date for the currently downloaded licence.

IDrmLicence drmLicence = downloadedPlayable.getDrmLicence();
if(drmLicence != null) {
    Log.d(TAG,  "DRM licence expires "+new Date(drmLicence.getExpiryTime()));
} else {
    Log.d(TAG,  "Not DRM protected");

Play token expiry date

You can access play token expiry timestamp from

long playTokenExpiration = downloadedPlayable.getPlayTokenExpiration();

Handling DRM licence expiration

If a DRM licence expiration is detected the Enigma River Android SDK will send a DrmKeysExpiredError. There are two places where you as an app developer should be ready to handle this.

When trying to start an asset: PlayRequest(playable, new BasePlayResultHandler() {
    public void onError(EnigmaError error) {
        if(error instanceof DrmKeysExpiredError) {
            // Could not start playback of asset, DRM licence has expired
        } else {
            // ... handle other errors ... //

And when the licence expires during playback:

enigmaPlayer.addListener(new BaseEnigmaPlayerListener() {
    public void onPlaybackError(EnigmaError error) {
        if(error instanceof DrmKeysExpiredError) {
            // DRM licence has expired
        } else {
            // ... handle other errors ... //
}, handler);

Renewing the DRM licence

We can renew the DRM licence without needing to re-download any other part of the material. This action might be counted as a download by the Red Bee Media OTT backend. This is something to keep in mind if the asset has a set maximum number of downloads configured.

Simply renew the DRM licence by calling IDrmLicence#renew(...):

drmLicence.renew(session, new BaseDrmLicenceRenewResultHandler() {
    public void onSuccess() {
        // ... DRM licence successfully renewed ... //

    public void onError(EnigmaError error) {
        if(error instanceof MaxDownloadCountLimitReachedError) {
            // The maximum number of downloads has already been reached
        } else {
            // ... Something went wrong ... //
}, handler);

Further reading

To see this in action please refer to the tutorial app downloads.

Table of Contents
• Working with DRM protected offline content (current)
Offline Analytics events
Only download on wifi networks