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Basics series

Your first app

In this tutorial we will create a very simple app using the SDK.

We will cover: - Initializing the EnigmaRiverContext - Acquiring a Session by logging in an end user. - Starting playback of an asset using an asset id.

Initialize EnigmaRiverContext

Before we can use the SDK we need to initialize the EnigmaRiverContext. This must be done exactly once and is typically done in the Application onCreate-method.

import com.redbeemedia.enigma.core.context.EnigmaRiverContext;

public class MyApplication extends Application {
    public void onCreate() {
        String exposureBaseUrl = ...; //Set this to the url supplied by your Red Bee OTT contact.
        EnigmaRiverContext.initialize(this, exposureBaseUrl);

Also make sure that your app is actually using this subclass of Application. This is done by setting the android:name-attribute of the <application /> tag in your AndroidManifest.xml. See Android tutorials for further information.

Retrieving a Session

Next, our end user needs a Session to be able to access content from the Red Bee backend. If you are using Red Bee Medias default authentication the Session object can be obtained using the EnigmaLogin utility class.

EnigmaLogin will process a login request. Our intention is to launch a second activity after success completion of that request. Therefore we create a android.os.Handler and set it as the "callback handler" of EnigmaLogin. This ensures that any callback code originating from EnigmaLogin will be run on on the main thread.

import android.os.Handler;
import com.redbeemedia.enigma.core.login.EnigmaLogin;

public class LoginActivity extends Activity {
    private static final String CUSTOMER_NAME = ...; //Your customer name
    private static final String BUSINESS_UNIT_NAME = ...; //The business unit name to use with this app

    private Handler handler;
    private EnigmaLogin enigmaLogin;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        this.enigmaLogin = new EnigmaLogin(CUSTOMER_NAME, BUSINESS_UNIT_NAME);

        this.handler = new Handler();

If you don't have any end user accounts for your Red Bee OTT platform, create one now. This can be done using the customer portal.

Logging in

There are different types of login requests (UserLoginRequest,AnonymousLoginRequest, ResumeLoginRequest, etc.), but for this tutorial we will be using the UserLoginRequest wich represents a request to log in using end user credentials.

We add a method in our LoginActivity to send this request and handle the results.

import com.redbeemedia.enigma.core.error.EnigmaError;
import com.redbeemedia.enigma.core.login.ILoginResultHandler;
import com.redbeemedia.enigma.core.login.UserLoginRequest;
import com.redbeemedia.enigma.core.session.ISession;
public class LoginActivity extends Activity {
    private void login(String username, String password) {
        enigmaLogin.login(new UserLoginRequest(username, password, new ILoginResultHandler() {
            public void onSuccess(ISession session) {
                //TODO Handle successfull login!

            public void onError(EnigmaError error) {
                //TODO handle failed login.

To keep it simple in this tutorial, if the login request fails we will just show a Toast to the user.

import android.widget.Toast;
import com.redbeemedia.enigma.core.error.InvalidCredentialsError;
            public void onError(EnigmaError error) {
                if(error instanceof InvalidCredentialsError) {
                    Toast.makeText(LoginActivity.this, "Incorrect username/password", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
                } else {
                    Toast.makeText(LoginActivity.this, "Something went wrong", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

If the request was a success we want to start a new activity and supply the Session object. We create the stub for a new activity that will be used for playback: PlaybackActivity.


public class PlaybackActivity extends Activity {
    public static final String EXTRA_SESSION = "session";


Now we can start the activity for the onSuccess(ISession session) callback method in our LoginActivity.

import android.content.Intent;
            public void onSuccess(ISession session) {
                Intent intent = new Intent(LoginActivity.this, PlaybackActivity.class);
                intent.putExtra(PlaybackActivity.EXTRA_SESSION, session);

Setting up an EnigmaPlayer

Since we are using ExoPlayer as our player implementation we will create a layout that uses the PlayerView component from the ExoPlayer library.



In the onCreate method of our PlaybackActivity class we begin by connecting the layout, retrieving the Session and creating a Handler for the main thread.

import android.os.Handler;
import android.content.Intent;
import com.redbeemedia.enigma.core.session.ISession;
public class PlaybackActivity extends Activity {
    public static final String EXTRA_SESSION = "session";

    private Handler handler;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        //Create a Handler for the main thread.
        this.handler = new Handler();

        //Retrieve the session from the intent.
        Intent intent = getIntent();
        ISession session = intent.getParcelableExtra(EXTRA_SESSION); be continued...
Next, we create an ExoPlayerTech. This class implements the IPlayerImplementation interface and acts as a bridge between EnigmaPlayer and the underlying ExoPlayer.

ExoPlayer requires an app name, so we will supply it with "tutorialApp" in this tutorial. We also need to attach a PlayerView where we want to display video. We use findViewById( to find the PlayerView component from the layout.

import com.redbeemedia.enigma.exoplayerintegration.ExoPlayerTech;
public class PlaybackActivity extends Activity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        //Create ExoPlayerTech and connect a compatible view.
        ExoPlayerTech exoPlayerTech = new ExoPlayerTech(this, "tutorialApp");
        exoPlayerTech.attachView(findViewById(; be continued...

Now it is time to create an EnigmaPlayer. We wrap the creation of the EnigmaPlayer in a method called createEnigmaPlayer. To create an EnigmaPlayer we need a Session and a PlayerImplementation. We also want to set the callback handler so our method will also need to take a Handler parameter.

import android.os.Handler;
import com.redbeemedia.enigma.core.session.ISession;
import com.redbeemedia.enigma.core.player.IPlayerImplementation;
import com.redbeemedia.enigma.core.player.IEnigmaPlayer;
import com.redbeemedia.enigma.core.player.EnigmaPlayer;
public class PlaybackActivity extends Activity {
    private IEnigmaPlayer createEnigmaPlayer(ISession session, IPlayerImplementation playerImplementation, Handler callbackHandler) {
        EnigmaPlayer enigmaPlayer = new EnigmaPlayer(session, playerImplementation);
        enigmaPlayer.setActivity(this); //Binds the EnigmaPlayer to the lifecycle of this activity.
        return enigmaPlayer;

In onCreate we call this method and store it in a member variable of the activity.

public class PlaybackActivity extends Activity {
    private IEnigmaPlayer enigmaPlayer;
    private Handler handler;
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        //Create an EnigmaPlayer.
        this.enigmaPlayer = createEnigmaPlayer(session, exoPlayerTech, handler);

EnigmaPlayer player is now configured and ready to use!

Start playback using an asset id

In this tutorial we will start playback automatically whenever the PlaybackActivity is resumed.

import com.redbeemedia.enigma.core.playable.IPlayable;
import com.redbeemedia.enigma.core.playable.AssetPlayable;
import com.redbeemedia.enigma.core.playrequest.IPlayRequest;
import com.redbeemedia.enigma.core.playrequest.PlayRequest;
import com.redbeemedia.enigma.core.playrequest.BasePlayResultHandler;
import com.redbeemedia.enigma.core.error.EnigmaError;
public class PlaybackActivity extends Activity {
    protected void onResume() {

        //Create a playable
        String assetId = ...; //For this tutorial, use a hardcoded asset id for one of your assets.
        IPlayable playable = new AssetPlayable(assetId);

        //Create a play request
        IPlayRequest playRequest = new PlayRequest(playable, new BasePlayResultHandler() {
            public void onError(EnigmaError error) {
               //TODO Handle error

        //Start playback;

Now we only need to handle errors related to the PlayRequest. To keep it simple, we just show a Toast to the user.

import android.widget.Toast;
import com.redbeemedia.enigma.core.error.AssetGeoBlockedError;
import com.redbeemedia.enigma.core.error.AssetNotAvailableError;
import com.redbeemedia.enigma.core.error.InvalidAssetError;
import com.redbeemedia.enigma.core.error.NoSupportedMediaFormatsError;
    protected void onResume() {
        IPlayRequest playRequest = new PlayRequest(playable, new BasePlayResultHandler() {
            public void onError(EnigmaError error) {
                if(error instanceof AssetGeoBlockedError) {
                    showMessage("This asset it not available for your region");
                } else if(error instanceof AssetNotAvailableError) {
                    showMessage("This asset is not available");
                } else if(error instanceof NoSupportedMediaFormatsError) {
                    showMessage("This asset cannot be played on your device");
                } else if(error instanceof InvalidAssetError) {
                    showMessage("Could not find asset "+((InvalidAssetError) error).getAssetId());
                } else {
                    showMessage("Could not start playback of asset");

    private void showMessage(String message) {
        Toast.makeText(this, message, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

And that's all there is to it!

This is what our finished app looks like: yourFirstApp

Table of Contents
Project setup
• Your first app (current)