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Downloads and offline playback series

Start asset download

Check download count

Before attempting to start a download, you should verify that the user has not reached their limit om downloads for that asset. The maximum number of downloads as well as the current downloads a user has made on an asset is available on the IDownloadableInfo object mentioned in the previous chapter.

public interface IDownloadableInfo {
    int getDownloadCount();
    int getMaxDownloadCount();
These values can be used to give feedback to the user about how many more times an asset can be downloaded by them.

There is also a convenience method for easily checking if the download limit for the asset has been reached:

public interface IDownloadableInfo {
    boolean isMaxDownloadCountReached();

If a DownloadStartRequest is made when the max number of downloads for the asset has been reached, a MaxDownloadCountLimitReachedError will be raised.


To start an asset download, simply create a DownloadStartRequest and call IEnigmaDownload#startAssetDownload.

IEnigmaDownload enigmaDownload = new EnigmaDownload(businessUnit);
DownloadStartRequest downloadStartRequest = new DownloadStartRequest(assetId, session);
enigmaDownload.startAssetDownload(context, downloadStartRequest, new BaseDownloadStartResultHandler() {
    public void onStarted() {
        // Download was successfully started

    public void onError(EnigmaError error) {
        // Failed to start download
}, handler);

Download options

Before sending the DownloadStartRequest to IEnigmaDownload#startAssetDownload it can be modified with a few options.

Selecting video track

To select which video track (bitrate) to download we can use DownloadStartRequest#setVideo(VideoDownloadable) using a VideoDownloadable retrieved from the IDownloadableInfo object for the asset. See Get available tracks for download for more details.

If setVideo is never called or called with null the SDK will select a suitable video track automatically.

Example - Selecting a random video track

In the following example a video track (bitrate) is selected at random.

final IEnigmaDownload enigmaDownload = new EnigmaDownload(businessUnit);
enigmaDownload.getDownloadableInfo(assetID, session, new BaseResultHandler<IDownloadableInfo>() {
    public void onResult(IDownloadableInfo result) {
        Random random = new Random();

        List<VideoDownloadable> videoTrackChoices = result.getVideoTracks();
        VideoDownloadable videoDownloadable;
        if(videoTrackChoices.isEmpty()) {
            videoDownloadable = null;
        } else {
            int videoTrackIndex = random.nextInt(videoTrackChoices.size());
            videoDownloadable = videoTrackChoices.get(videoTrackIndex);

        DownloadStartRequest downloadStartRequest = new DownloadStartRequest(assetID, session);
        enigmaDownload.startAssetDownload(context, downloadStartRequest, new BaseDownloadStartResultHandler() {
            public void onStarted() {
                // ... download started! ... //

            public void onError(EnigmaError error) {
                // ... handle error ... //
        }, handler);

    public void onError(EnigmaError error) {
        // ... handle error ...
}, handler);

Selecting audio tracks

To select which audio tracks to download we can use DownloadStartRequest#addAudio(AudioDownloadable) or DownloadStartRequest#setAudios(List<AudioDownloadable>) using AudioDownloadables retrieved from the IDownloadableInfo object for the asset. See Get available tracks for download for more details.

If no audio tracks are selected the SDK will automatically select which audio tracks to download.

For an example of this in action, see Downloads app.

Selecting subtitle tracks

To select which subtitle tracks to download we can use DownloadStartRequest#addSubtitle(SubtitleDownloadable) or DownloadStartRequest#setSubtitles(List<SubtitleDownloadable>) using SubtitleDownloadables retrieved from the IDownloadableInfo object for the asset. See Get available tracks for download for more details.

For an example of this in action, see Downloads app.

Advanced options

In Overriding media format selection logic you can read about how to provide custom media format selection logic (for example preference for DASH/HLS and with or without DRM) for playback and downloads.

Table of Contents
Gradle dependencies
Check if an asset is downloadable
Using the download API
Get available tracks for download
• Start asset download (current)
Managing ongoing downloads
Listing downloaded assets
Start playback of a downloaded asset
Remove downloaded assets
Downloads app