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Virtual controls

When implementing a custom UI the app developer need to know when to show/hide a button and when to display the button as 'enabled'. These properties might depend on many things such as: * the current player state * the type of stream currently being played * configuration made in the Red Bee OTT backend

Finding out these rules, implementing them and keeping them updated is a hassle. This is where virtual controls come in.

Virtual controls provide a 'headless UI' that automatically follows the rules listed above. To get hold of some virtual controls we use the method IVirtualControls virtualControls = EnigmaPlayer.getVirtualControls();

IVirtualControls virtualControls = EnigmaPlayer.getVirtualControls();

The IVirtualControls interface provides access to virtual buttons.

public interface IVirtualControls {
    IVirtualButton getRewind();
    IVirtualButton getFastForward();
    IVirtualButton getPlay();
    IVirtualButton getPause();
    IVirtualButton getGoToLive();
    IVirtualButton getNextProgram();
    IVirtualButton getPreviousProgram();
    IVirtualButton getRestart();
    IVirtualButton getSeekBar();

Each IVirtualButton represents an actual button in a UI.

public interface IVirtualButton {
    boolean isEnabled();
    boolean isRelevant();
    void click();

By listening to the onStateChanged event an app developer can track the state of isEnabled and isRelevant and keep their corresponding UI button updated.

Virtual controls should be favored over directly controlling the EnigmaPlayer using IEnigmaPlayer#getControls().

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