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Migration guide (Android SDK 2.0 -> Enigma River Android SDK)

Changes to playback

Initiating playback


Playback was started by passing EmpAsset, EmpProgram or similar as a 'playable' in a start activity intent that was handled in SimplePlaybackActivity.

EmpAsset asset = new EmpAsset();
asset.assetId = "MY_ASSET_ID";

Intent intent = new Intent(context, MyVideoPlayer.class).setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK);
intent.putExtra("playable", asset);


Since the Enigma River Android SDK does not provide UI components the app developer needs to create their own playback activity and set up the EnigmaPlayer. Different types of playables are now aligned into AssetPlayable where assets, programs and channels are all referred to by their assetId.

See the Basics series for an introduction to playback.


Before was used.


com.redbeemedia.enigma.core.playrequest.PlaybackProperties replaces the old PlaybackProperties. It works essentially the same, although some capabilities are not yet supported.

It is passed as an optional parameter to the PlayRequest constructor.

Contract restrictions


Contract restrictions were contained in the Entitlement object that belonged to the EMPPlayer.

Entitlement entitlement = empPlayer.getEntitlement();

if(entitlement.ffEnabled) {
    // Fast-forwarding is enabled

if(entitlement.rwEnabled) {
    // Rewinding is enabled

if(entitlement.timeshiftEnabled) {
    // timeshifting is enabled. In the case where timeshift is disabled you cannot pause the playback.


Contract restrictions are represented by the IContractRestrictions object and owned by the PlaybackSession. To get a reference to a PlaybackSession the app developer must listen to changes of the current PlaybackSession on the EnigmaPlayer.


IEnigmaPlayer enigmaPlayer = ...;
enigmaPlayer.addListener(new BaseEnigmaPlayerListener() {
    public void onPlaybackSessionChanged(IPlaybackSession from, IPlaybackSession to) {
        // Playback session changed
        if(to != null) {
            IContractRestrictions contractRestrictions = to.getContractRestrictions();

            if(contractRestrictions.getValue(ContractRestriction.FASTFORWARD_ENABLED, true)) {
                // Fast-forwarding is enabled

            if(contractRestrictions.getValue(ContractRestriction.REWIND_ENABLED, true)) {
                // Rewinding is enabled

            if(contractRestrictions.getValue(ContractRestriction.TIMESHIFT_ENABLED, true)) {
                // timeshifting is enabled. In the case where timeshift is disabled you cannot pause the playback.
To listen for changes to the contract restrictions during a playback session the app developer can add a listener to the playback session
playbackSession..addListener(new BasePlaybackSessionListener() {
    public void onContractRestrictionsChanged(IContractRestrictions oldContractRestrictions, IContractRestrictions newContractRestrictions) {
        this.contractRestrictions = newContractRestrictions; //Contract restrictions has been updated

Methods such as empPlayer.canSeekForward() and empPlayer.canSeekBackwards() now belong to the PlaybackSession instead. For example, playbackSession.isSeekAllowed() and playbackSession.isSeekToLiveAllowed().


Please note that manually checking contract restrictions and querying empPlayer.canSeekForward() etc., is no longer needed since the introduction of virtual controls. See virtual controls.

Subtitle tracks and audio tracks


For controlling subtitles * getSelectedTextLanguage() * getTextLanguages() * setTextLanguage(...)

was available on the player object.
And for controlling audio tracks * getSelectedAudioLanguage() * getAudioLanguages() * setAudioLanguage(...)

was available on the player object.


Current selected and available subtitle- and audio-tracks now belong to the PlaybackSession object and can be accessed through:

public interface IPlaybackSession {
    List<ISubtitleTrack> getSubtitleTracks();
    ISubtitleTrack getSelectedSubtitleTrack();

    List<IAudioTrack> getAudioTracks();
    IAudioTrack getSelectedAudioTrack();

Changing the selected subtitle- and audio-track is done by calling


Also note that the subtitleTrack and audioTrack used in the set-methods must originate from the list of available tracks returned by getSubtitleTracks() and getAudioTracks().

Table of Contents
Structural changes
Changes to SDK initialization
Changes to authentication/login
Changes to asset metadata retrieval
• Changes to playback (current)
Further reading