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Playback Session

While playing a stream the EnigmaPlayer has a "PlaybackSession". Each EnigmaPlayer only has at most one PlaybackSession at a time.

PlaybackSession lifecycle

The start of a PlaybackSession is when an asset has been successfully loaded and is ready to be played. The PlaybackSession of an EnigmaPlayer is considered to be alive/active until it is replaced, either by a new PlaybackSession or by null.


To acquire a IPlaybackSession one needs to listen for the 'onPlaybackSessionChanged'-event from EnigmaPlayer.

IEnigmaPlayer player = ...;
player.addListener(new BaseEnigmaPlayerListener() {
    public void onPlaybackSessionChanged(IPlaybackSession from, IPlaybackSession to) {
        //Note that either one of 'from' and 'to' can be 'null'
If EnigmaPlayer switches to a new PlaybackSession when there was no previous PlaybackSession, from in the code above would be null. If EnigmaPlayer switches from a PlaybackSession to no PlaybackSession, to in the code above would be null. The last value of 'to' will always be the value 'from' in the next event.

PlaybackSession playingFromLive

If the PlaybackSession is for a live stream it is possible to check if the player is currently playing from the live edge. This is done by calling IPlaybackSession#isPlayingFromLive(). It is also possible to add a listener to IPlaybackSession and listen for the 'onPlayingFromLiveChanged'-event.

Example - Text indicating if watching at live edge

IEnigmaPlayer player = ...;

this.playbackSessionListener = new BasePlaybackSessionListener() {
    public void onPlayingFromLiveChanged(boolean live) {
        updateText(live ? "Live" : "Not live");

player.addListener(new BaseEnigmaPlayerListener() {
    public void onPlaybackSessionChanged(IPlaybackSession from, IPlaybackSession to) {
        if(from != null) {
        if(to != null) {
            updateText(to.isPlayingFromLive() ? "Live" : "Not live");
            to.addListener(this.playbackSessionListener, handler);
}, handler);

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