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In the Customer Portal Exports you can export your analytics data using your explorations marked as an export (more information can be found under Insights Exploration) or our predefined exports. We currently support the CSV and XLS formats.

Note that if you are experiencing trouble fetching the data it could be due to the fact that it can take a long time to crunch the data. We recommend retrying after 30 seconds, the cached data might then be retrievable.

The Predefined Exports

Media Consumption

Field Data Type Description Remarks
Content.Asset.Id Text Asset ID
Playback.Sessions.Total/cnt Number
Playback.Sessions.Unique/cnt Number
Playback.Completed_ratio/pct Number Including decimals
Playback.Duration/sum|s Number
Playback.Duration/avg|s Number Including decimals

Media Performance

Field Data Type Description Remarks
Content.Asset.Id Text Asset ID
Playback.Startup_time/avg|s Number Including decimals
Playback.Buffer_ratio/avg Number Including decimals
Playback.Startup.Total/cnt Number
Playback.Startup_failure.Total/cnt Number
Playback.Sessions.Total/cnt Number
Playback.Sessions_error.Unique/cnt Number

Audience Location

Field Data Type Description Remarks
Audience.Country.Name Text ISO 3366 country name
Users.Active/cnt Number Number of viewers seen
Playback.Sessions.Total/cnt Number Sessions created by all users
Playback.Duration/avg|s Number Including decimals

Audience Platforms

Field Data Type Description Remarks
Audience.Device.Os_family Text
Playback.Sessions.Total/cnt Number
Users.Active/cnt Number

Audience Sessions

Field Data Type Description Remarks
User.Meta.Account_id Text
Playback.Sessions.Total/cnt Number
Playback.Duration/sum|ms Number
Playback.Duration/avg|ms Number

Response Times

After the first single row of column headers, there are an additional 8 rows of aggregated data for the whole period.
This is followed by rows of data aggregated per our during the period.

Field Data Type Description Remarks
Customer Text
Start Timestamp ISO 8601 compliant date and time
End Timestamp ISO 8601 compliant date and time
Responses >1s percentage Percentage Includes trailing %
>1s responses Number
Total requests Number

Error Responses

After the first single row of column headers, there are an additional 8 rows of aggregated data for the whole period. This is followed by rows of data aggregated per our during the period.

Field Data Type Description Remarks
Customer Text
Start Timestamp ISO 8601 compliant date and time
End Timestamp ISO 8601 compliant date and time
Error response percentage Percentage Includes trailing %
5xx responses Number
Total requests Number


Field Data Type Description Remarks
Id UUID RedBee unique ID for this transaction
Purchase Id UUID
Account Id Text
Product Offering Text RedBee human readable name of the product offering
Asset Id RedBee unique ID for the asset included Empty if no asset related
Asset RedBee human readable name for the asset Empty if no asset related
Amount Currency Text Currency used for the transaction ISO 4217
Amount Decimal Amount paid This can be lower than the offering price if a voucher is used
Offering Amount Currency Text Currency for the bought offering ISO 4217
Offering Amount Text Price listed for the bought offering This is typically identical to what the end-user have paid
Status Text
Completed Time Timestamp Date and time when the transaction was registered ISO 8601 compliant
Payment Provider Transaction Id Text Unique ID for this transaction from the payment provider
Country Code Text ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2
Voucher Code Text Voucher code used to discount a purchase Empty if no voucher used
Batch Id
Promotion Id