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Managing Product Offerings

Product Offerings

Product Offerings are the vehicle to make Product available to End User Accounts. The following types of offerings can be created:

  • ADMINISTRATIVE used to provision content to users via the customer portal or the management API.
  • EVENT TICKET used to sell tickets to events occurring at a specific time.
  • RENTAL used to rent content to users from the time of rental for a certain period of time.
  • SUBSCRIPTION used to make content available by subscription.
  • PURCHASE used to provide content to user from the time of purchase and on-wards. Buy to own.

Relationship to Tax-Rates

Since September 2023 the VAT rate is specified as separate Tax-Rates. This will allow having the same product offering and apply different Tax-Rates for the different countries.

This will not impact existing Product Offerings.

See Tax Rates

Add a Product Offering

Follow these instructions to create product offerings.

Customer Portal

1. Navigate to Offerings

  1. In the context menu (on top), select:
    • Customer
    • Business unit
  2. Using service menu (on the left), navigate to:

Customer Portal Offering Create

2. Create a Product Offering

  1. Press the CREATE in the Create New Offering box
  2. In OFFERING TYPE Select the type of offering you want to create

The following section will give details per offering type:

  • ADMINISTRATIVE used to provision content to users via the customer portal or the management API.
  • EVENT TICKET used to sell tickets to events occurring at a specific time.
  • RENTAL used to rent content to users from the time of rental for a certain period of time.
  • SUBSCRIPTION used to make content available by subscription.
  • PURCHASE used to provide content to user from the time of purchase and on-wards. Buy to own.

3. Step General


  • NAME Name of the offering visible for users.
  • DESCRIPTION Description of the offering visible for users.
  • EXTERNAL ID If provided, this ID can be used to refer to offering in the management API.
  • AUTO PROVISION If checked, all new users will automatically be provision with the offering. NOTE only one product offering may have this setting.

4. Step Product


  • PRODUCT Which product this offering entitles the user to.

5. Step Account plan


  • ACCOUNT PLAN Which account plan this offering entitles the user to.

6. Market

This step is not present for ADMINISTRATIVE Product Offerings.

This defines in which countries the Product Offerings is available.

7. Pricing

This step is not present for ADMINISTRATIVE Product Offerings.

The price of the product offering. VAT is specified by Tax Rates.

8. Validity

This step is not present for ADMINISTRATIVE Product Offerings.

Rental attributes

  • SALES START When the offering will become available for rental.
  • SALES STOP When the offering no longer will be available for rental.
  • RENTAL LENGTH For how long the product is to be available for the user from the time of rental.
  • RENTAL EXPIRY The time window the user has; to start consuming the product. If set, the Rental Length is applied when the user starts to play the bought content. Otherwise, the Rental Length is applied from time of purchase.

Subscription attributes

  • FREE PERIOD If stated, for how long shall the user get the subscription free of charge. E.g. first two weeks free.
  • PAYMENT PERIOD How often is the subscription renewed.
  • DISCOUNTED PAYMENTS If stated, what is the price for first stated payment periods. E.g. first 3 months only 4.99.
  • SALES START When the subscription will become available for signup.
  • SALES STOP When the subscription no longer will be available for signup.

Purchase attributes

  • SALES START When the offering will become available for purchase.
  • SALES STOP When the offering no longer will be available for purchase.

Event ticket attributes

  • SALES START When the tickets will become available for purchase.
  • SALES STOP When the tickets no longer will be available for purchase.
  • VIEWING START When the event starts. NOTE that the publication of the product relates to this.
  • VIEWING LENGTH Duration of the event. NOTE that the publication of the product relates to this.

Integration with Tax Rates

In order to be sellable a Tax Rate must be defined for all countries the Product Offering is sold in.

Product Offerings Listing

  • Last column in the POs listing will show whether PO is tax rate complete or not (Tick for tax-rate complete and Warning sign for not tax-rate complete). If POs have got countries selected in the Market section, then for them to be tax-rate complete either global tax-rate should be present ot tax-rates for all those countries should be there.
  • Only tax-rate complete offerings will be visible in the white label app for users
  • Only tax-rate complete offerings will be selectable while adding offerings to account from - USERS -> USER ACCOUNTS.