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Custom UI controls series

Play/Pause Button

It is not very elegant to have a player UI with two buttons, one for play and another for pause.
This is why in this chapter you will learn how to replace the two mentioned buttons with a single one that will perform both actions.

It is very easy to implement, all you need is a simple custom button that extends ImageButton.

public class PausePlayImageButton extends ImageButton

Then we need a way to connect it to the enigma player instance and listen to the needed player states: when playback is paused and when playback is resumed.

For that, our button should have a method like this:

public void connectTo(IEnigmaPlayer enigmaPlayer){
        this.enigmaPlayer = enigmaPlayer;
        this.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {
                if (usingPauseButton){
                    enigmaPlayer.getControls().pause(new ControlResultHandler(TAG, "pause"));
                }else {
                    enigmaPlayer.getControls().start(new ControlResultHandler(TAG, "play"));

        this.enigmaPlayer.addListener(new BaseEnigmaPlayerListener(){
            public void onStateChanged(EnigmaPlayerState from, EnigmaPlayerState to) {
                if (to == EnigmaPlayerState.PLAYING){
                    usingPauseButton = true;
                }else if(from == EnigmaPlayerState.PLAYING){
                    usingPauseButton = false;
        }, handler);
We still have a missing piece, the method to update the button image:
private void updatePlayPauseButtonImage() {
        int icon = usingPauseButton ? R.drawable.exo_icon_pause : R.drawable.exo_icon_play;

Pretty much that's it with our simple custom button, but how do we use it?
It is very simple, we just need to hook it to the player instance.

IEnigmaPlayer player = new EnigmaPlayer(session, exoPlayerTech);
And that's all there is to it!
Now you have improved a bit the player controls UI. Follow the next chapters to learn how to make it awesome!

Table of Contents
Basics: play, pause and seeking
• Play/Pause Button (current)
Custom timeline
Spinner and Live Indicator
Custom UI app