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Setup Google Tag Manager With Red Bee App


Make sure you have the following items on this list setup and working before starting this how to guide. - Google Tag Manager Account. Read more on setup here - Google Analytics 4 Account, a data stream and a measurement ID. Find the guide on how to set it up here. - Google Tag Manager ID, properly set in Customer portal Data Layer - Google Tag Manager Config Tag that holds the Google Analytics 4 measurement ID (Set in Google Tag Manager container)


  1. If you have created tags in Google Tag Manager, make sure to publish your changes for them to take effekt. 1.1 If you want instant feedback that everything is properly set up, you can use the preview mode inside Google Tag Manager.
  2. It could take up to 48h for your data to be exposed in Google Analytics 4 after being sent from Google Tag Manager. 2.1 under Configure => Debug View, you can test that your data is recieved from Google Tag Manager preview mode.

Data Layer

The Data Layer

The Data Layer acts as a middle hand between the RedBee app and Google Tag Manager. It connects to the correct container using a Google Tag Manager container ID and once the ID is set in the customer portal, the RedBee app will be connected to that container. When a specified event occurs in the app; It could be a click, scroll or custom event, data is being pushed from the app to the data layer. Whenever there is a change to the data layer, the data layer will forward its data to Google Tag Manager. From Google tag manager you can set up triggers to act on keys in the data layer and by doing so, collect data to your data stream in your Google Analytics 4 account.

Automatically collected events with Google Analytics 4 enhanced measurement

When using Google Analytics 4 with enhanced measurement enabled, there are a multitude of events that will be collected automatically by Google Tag Manager. For example they include outbound clicks (i.e. external link in herobanner items or menu), link clicks, scroll and scroll depth.

  • See a full list of the automatically collected events here

Events implemented by RedBee

There are, however, events that are not as easily collected to cover the entire user journey in the context of the RedBee platform and they include:

  • Sign up / Log in
  • Component item click / Menu item click
  • CTA purchase flow → CTA selected product offering → abort / success
  • CTA watch now (will be tracked as play page view otherwise)
  • CTA share
  • CTA favourite
  • CTA follow tag
  • CTA add to calendar
  • Component item click

The RedBee app will capture these events by pushing data objects to the data layer when the user interacts with your app. By doing so, you can capture this data using a custom event tag in Google Tag Manager. The following custom keys (event) below can be used to trigger custom tags. The data object will always contain the event and userLocation information.


Pushes the following object to the data layer once the user successfully logs in.

  event: "login";
  userLocation: string;
  method: "oauth" | "firebase" | "userAccount";


Pushes the following object to the data layer once the user successfully signs up.

  event: "signup";
  userLocation: string;
  method: "oauth" | "firebase" | "userAccount";


Pushes the following object to the data layer once the user clicks on either a hero banner- /categories- /carousel- /grid- or list card. attn!: there will only be one item in the array of items.

    event: "assetNavigate";
    userLocation: string;
    itemListId: string; //ID of the component
    itemListName: string; //Name of the component
    items: [
      itemId: string; //ID of the Asset
      itemName: string; //Name of the Asset
      type: "heroBanner" | "categoriesCard" | "carouselItem" | "gridItem" | "listItem";


Pushes the following object to the data layer once the user follows, unfollows, adds asset to calendar or add an asset to favorites

  event: "assetInteraction";
  userLocation: string;
  action: "watch" |
    "favorite" |
    "unFavorite" |
    "followTag" |
    "unFollowTag" |
  itemId: string; //ID of either asset or tag;


Pushes the following object to the data layer once the user selects a product offering after beginning a purchase. attn!: there will only be one item in the array of items.

    event: "beginCheckout";
    userLocation: string;
    itemId: string; //ID of the Asset
    items: [
      itemId: string; //ID of the product offering
      itemName: string; //Name of the product offering
      itemType: "rental" | "subscription" | "purchase" | "event"
      currency: string; //ISO 4217 code
      value: number; //price without fraction digits


Pushes the following object to the data layer once the user completes a purchase. attn!: there will only be one item in the array of items.

    event: "purchase";
    userLocation: string;
    transactionId: string; //ID of purchase
    currency: string; //ISO 4217 code
    value: number; //price
    items: [
      itemId: string; //ID of Product offering


Pushes the following object to the data layer once the user clicks on a share button. attn!: This only track the intent of sharing, it does not know if the user actually shared the link.

    event: "share";
    userLocation: string;
    method: "native" | "twitter" | "facebook";
    contentType?: "asset";
    itemId: string; //ID of the Asset

Connect your Google Analytics 4 to your Google Tag Manager

You need to setup a configuration tag in Google Tag Manager containing your measurementId from Google Analytics 4, it should be setup to fire on all page loads. This will connect your Google Tag Manager ID with Google Analytics 4.

Data Layer

Setting up data layer variables

We would recommend you to setup the following Data Variables to more easily set up tags.

  1. Go to your tag manager workspace.
  2. Click on Variables
  3. Click on New
  4. Choose a name for your varible in the top left corner where it says "Untitled Variable". We prefixed it with dlv - but that is up to you.
  5. Click on Variable Configuration.
  6. Select DataLayer Variable
  7. type the data variable name from the table below that corresponds with the value you want to capture. i.e items.0.itemId
  8. Keep the default "Data Layer Variable Version - version 2"

When you are done, it should look something like this: Data Layer

Setting up custom events.

  1. Go to your tag manager workspace.
  2. Click on Triggers
  3. Click on New
  4. Choose a name for your trigger in the top left corner where it says "Untitled Trigger". We prefixed it with Custom - but that is up to you.
  5. Click on Trigger Configuration.
  6. Select Custom Event.
  7. Type the event name that you want to fire a tag on. Make sure it matches the typing from the table further down. i.e assetNavigate
  8. Keep the default "This trigger fires on All Custom Events".

When you are done, it should look something like this: Data Layer

Setting up a tag

When the above steps are done, you should quite easily be able to setup the custom tags you want to fire when any of the custom event names are present in the data layer.

  1. Go to your tag manager workspace.
  2. click on Tags
  3. click New
  4. Choose a name for your tag in the top left corner where it says "Untitled Tag". We prefixed it with tag - but that is up to you.
  5. Click on Tag Configuration
  6. Choose Google Analytics: GA4 Event
  7. Select your configuration tag under "Configuration Tag"
  8. Type the Event name you want to fire on, see the table below for available event names. Make sure it matches the typing. i.e assetNavigate
  9. Click on Event Parameters 9.1 Click on Add Row 9.2 Type the suggested tag variable name from the table below (or a name that makes sense to you) 9.3 Click on the +-sign next to the value input 9.4 select the correct data layer variable from the table below that corresponds to the event you are capturing.

  10. click on Triggering

  11. Select the Custom Event that matches what you are wanting to capture.
  12. Click Save and your Tag is ready to be triggered.
  13. Make sure that you publish your changes by clicking submit in the top right corner (after your tag has been saved).

When it is done, it should look something like this: Data Layer

Attn!: You need to set up 'Event Parameters' for every value you want sent to Google Analytics 4 when a tag is triggered. If not, no data will be sent regardless if the tag fires or not.

See the table below to find out what data layer variables you should set up to track the actions of your choice.

Custom data

We are matching the suggested format from Google. They do not however always make sense in the contexts of our platform. You can look at the table below for details on what data is to be expected under the different keys in the data layer. When firing a tag, you need to set up the event parameters in Google Tag Manager

Event name Object key Object value datalayer variable suggested tag parameter description
login method firebase, oauth, userAccount method method kind of authentication
login userLocation country code userLocation user_location only possible to track user account signup
signup method firebase, oauth, userAccount method method kind of authentication
signup userLocation country code userLocation user_location only possible to track user account signup
assetNavigate itemListId string itemListId item_list_id id of component rendering the asset card / herobanner
assetNavigate itemListName string itemListName item_list_name title of component rendering the asset card / herobanner
assetNavigate items [] items items A list of objects containg details regarding the asset
assetNavigate items[0].item_id string , no asset id items.0.itemId item_id Asset id or Herobanner id
assetNavigate items[0].item_name string , no asset name items.0.itemName item_name Asset name or Herobanner name
assetNavigate items[0].type heroBanner, categoriesCard,carouselItem,gridItem,listItem items.0.itemType item_type The kind of asset that was clicked
assetNavigate userLocation country code userLocation user_location only possible to track user account signup
assetInteraction action watch, favorite, unFavorite, followTag, unFollowTag , addToCalendar action action How did you interact with the asset
assetInteraction itemId string itemId item_id The id could be a tag id or an asset id
assetInteraction userLocation country code userLocation user_location only possible to track user account signup
beginCheckout items [] items items A list of objects containg details regarding the product offering
beginCheckout items[0].itemId string items.0.itemId item_id Product offering id
beginCheckout items[0].itemName string items.0.itemName item_name Product offering title
beginCheckout items[0].type rental,  subscription, purchaseevent items.0.itemType item_type The kind of product offering that was selected
beginCheckout items[0].currency string items.0.currency currency Currency of the product offering
beginCheckout items[0].value number items.0.value value Price of the product offering without fraction digits if decimal is 0
beginCheckout itemId string itemId item_id Asset id
beginCheckout userLocation country code userLocation user_location only possible to track user account signup
purchase transactionId string transactionId transaction_id Purchase id of the transaction
purchase currency string currency currency Currency of the product offering
purchase value number value value Price of the product offering without fraction digits if decimal is 0
purchase items [] items items A list of strings contaning the id of the product offering
purchase items[0].itemId string items.0.itemId item_id Id of the product offering
purchase userLocation country code userLocation user_location only possible to track user account signup
share method native, twitter, facebook method method The plattform that the user intents to share to, by clicking the share button. It doesn't actually mean that the share was made
share content asset content content The type the user is planning to share. For now, only assets are availble
share item_id string itemId item_id Id of the asset the user is planning to share.
share userLocation country code userLocation user_location only possible to track user account signup