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Provide FairPlay Streaming Certifiate

To be able to use encrypted HLS you need to request and generate a FairPlay streaming certificate and provide this to RedBee. To do this you should follow the below sections in order.

Request the FPS Deployment Package

Request the FPS Deployment Package from Apple at

Create a FPS Certificate

You need to create a FPS certificate. This can be done by using openssl on a linux/MAC terminal, generate a private key file named privatekey.pem. It is recommanded to generate the private key in pkcs8 format and protect it with a password, using the following command:

openssl genrsa 1024 | openssl pkcs8 -topk8 > privatekey.pem

Enter any password for the private key and make a note of it for later use.

Generate CSR file

Generate an X.509 Certificate Signing Request (CSR) file with the private key:

Run the following command. The contents of the -subj parameter can be modified to suit your organization. While running this command, you will be asked to enter a password (that is the private key's password from the above command )

openssl req -new -sha1 -key privatekey.pem -out certreq.csr -subj "/CN=SubjectName/OU=OrganizationalUnit/O=Organization/C=CountryCode"

Create FPS certificate

  1. Sign in to Apple Developer Portal to create a new FPS certificate at
  2. Submit the certificate signing request file certreq.csr generated in the preceding step.
  3. Copy the application secret key string (HEX) to a separate file named ASkey.txt .
  4. Download the generated FPS certificate file (for example, fps_certificate.der), which is encoded in the X.509 format with distinguished encoding rules (DER).

Provide info to RedBee

Once the process is completed, you should provide the following to RedBee:

  • The certificate received from Apple.
  • The ASK received from Apple.
  • The private key used for generating the certificate.
  • The private key password used for generating the certificate.